Posted by : Unknown
Friday, 1 January 2016
Today we will discuss on the how to add the workspace in metasploit in kali linux .
lets go
Setup 1 :- first of all start the database and metasploit services with the help of these commands.
1st :- service postgresql start
2nd :- service metasploit start
Setup2 :- Now run the metasoploit with the command .
syntax:- msfconsole
Setup 3 :- Now we are use the this command here to add the workspace in metasploit.
syntax:- workspace -a <worksapce name >
in this - a for add the workspace and <workspace name is the name of work sapce .
in my case i add IHT workspace here .
Now most important thing we are using the - h option to see the help.
like this
#workspace -h
Thanks for reading
Jai Hind Jai Bharat
lets go
Setup 1 :- first of all start the database and metasploit services with the help of these commands.
1st :- service postgresql start
2nd :- service metasploit start
Setup2 :- Now run the metasoploit with the command .
syntax:- msfconsole
Setup 3 :- Now we are use the this command here to add the workspace in metasploit.
syntax:- workspace -a <worksapce name >
in this - a for add the workspace and <workspace name is the name of work sapce .
in my case i add IHT workspace here .
Now most important thing we are using the - h option to see the help.
like this
#workspace -h
Thanks for reading
Jai Hind Jai Bharat